Sunday, August 05, 2007

If only I had...

This article is absolutely striking.

The modern culture allures people to get more and more. Even as more and more is acheived and earned, the costs are astronomical to the soul. As in larger society, so it is in individual lives, there is no center. Life is one meaningless grab after another. Technology has rendered time and space meaningless and has caused us to believe there are no boundaries. Capitalism's myth of progress has infiltrated every sphere of life such that "there is never enough."

Christ incarnated in a culture wholly different yet in ways very much the same as our own. He looked at a crowd and boldy said to them, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) Christ not only offers physical rest which the folks featured in this New York Times article desperately need, but he offers a rest that is much deeper. He offers rest for the soul. Are you tired of chasing money, your neighbor's opinion, the title of relevance, the arbitrary standard of success your culture has put in place? Look to Christ. He offers the riches of heaven. He offers the way to the Father's approval. He has become relevant for you. He has met the only true standard of success we need through his perfect active obedience and atoning death. All riches were his but he became nothing that we might become rich. The folks in silicon valley are not the only ones who need this rest. The reputation-chasing, power-hungry folks on Capitol Hill need it. The comfort-obsessed, self-loving West needs it. The whole of humanity needs this rest. We were created for it. And, apart from God's grace, we will run as hard as we can our entire lives looking for it in some other place.

Although it seems foolish and impossible, look to Christ and find the rest that you have run and even sacrificed very much to find. Take him at His Word. The only fitness he requireth is to feel your need of Him.

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