Saturday, August 04, 2007

Sabbath Prayer


In you there is no darkness at all. In you there is perfect rest. From everlasting to everlasting you are God. Though I see through a glass darkly, I am grateful to even have a glimpse of your infinite worth and greatness. I confess that I think small thoughts of you. Those with whom I work, interact and live are so often bigger to me than you are. For this, I need your forgiveness. I confess that I look to things that are passing to achieve my rest, my "relevance." For this I need your forgiveness. I confess that I have not pursued you as I ought. In my sin, I have believed that you are not worth the effort, patience and discipline of my pursuit. Through such action, I demonstrate my own ignorance. For this, I need your forgiveness. I long to see you as Isaiah did. I long to understand more fully your greatness and my insignificance apart from Christ. While I bear your image, I would sit under your just condemnation and wrath apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ. Thank you for the hope that is mine in Christ. Teach me to understand who I am because of Christ. Thank you for the privileges that are mine in Christ. Teach me the eternal worth of being able to boldly approach your throne. Give me eyes to see.

I pray that you will attend to the preaching of your word tomorrow. As I gather with the body of believers on Capitol Hill, I pray you will illuminate your Word by your Spirit. Show me my own sin. I pray that you will glorify yourself by giving me ears to hear and eyes to see. Would you be pleased to transform my mind and heart tomorrow through the means of grace in which I will participate. Thank you for sabbath rest. Thank you that the Lord's day points to the final day that will end all days: when you will give your people eternal sabbath with Christ. Thank you that, in Christ, we have sabbath rest. Would you grant me rest? Would you teach me that the gospel is worth suffering for? Would you give me a deeper understanding of and love for the gospel? Father, hear and act. Your people bear your name.

Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly more than I could ever hope or imagine, be honor and glory forever and ever, AMEN!

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